
收缩毛孔 / 祛痘 / 祛斑 FRAXEL DUAL LASER – 体验凹陷疤痕的再生 色素雀斑 疙瘩 伤疤 皱纹弹性 Fraxel Dual 可同时治疗疤痕、毛孔和色素沉着 什么是 Fraxel Dual? 这是经 FDA 批准的激光,治疗后可让您的皮肤更有活力,肤色更明亮,质地更光滑。 精细激光柱的渗透可快速治疗皮肤表面以及因衰老和阳光损伤的色素,波长为 1550nm 和 1927nm。
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Genesys 曼哈顿

地址:39 W 32 St. Suite 1500 纽约,NY 10001

电话:212.564.7003 / 短信:917.232.4858

Genesys 法拉盛

地址: 163-28 Northern Blvd. 2B 套房 纽约法拉盛 11358
电话:718.321.7002 / 短信:917.685.1917

为什么选择 Genesys 激光皮肤诊所?

在 Genesys Laser Skin Clinic,我们提供专业、个性化的护理,拥有超过 20 年使用最新激光技术的经验。在 Alexander K. Choi 博士的带领下,我们的团队将医疗精准度与美学专业知识相结合,在舒适、私密的环境中提供安全有效的治疗。我们的客户拥有超过 380 条好评和平均 4.8 星的评分,无论他们寻求面部年轻化、身体塑形还是非侵入性激光治疗,我们都相信我们能提供自然、持久的效果。

收缩毛孔 / 祛痘 / 祛斑


  • 色素雀斑
  • 疙瘩
  • 伤疤
  • 皱纹弹性

Fraxel Dual 可同时治疗疤痕、毛孔和色素沉着

什么是 Fraxel Dual?

这是经 FDA 批准的激光,治疗后可让您的皮肤更有活力,肤色更明亮,质地更光滑。 精细激光柱的渗透可快速治疗皮肤表面以及因衰老和阳光损伤的色素,波长为 1550nm 和 1927nm。





准备好开始您的护肤之旅了吗?预约 Genesys Laser Skin Clinic 的咨询或治疗非常简单。只需填写以下表格,注明您的首选地点和时间,我们的一位专家将很快确认您的预约。

  • 选择您的首选地点:曼哈顿或法拉盛
  • 可用的治疗方案:肉毒杆菌、填充剂、激光治疗等
  • 灵活的时间安排选项,适应您忙碌的生活


  • 专家护理:凭借 20 多年的经验,Alexander K. Choi 博士确保每项治疗都以医学精度和美学专业知识进行。
  • 先进的技术:我们使用最先进的激光和非侵入性技术来提供安全、有效和先进的治疗。
  • 个性化治疗计划:每位客户都会收到一份定制计划,根据他们独特的皮肤需求和美容目标量身定制,以获得最佳效果。
  • 舒适和隐私:我们位于曼哈顿和法拉盛的诊所提供平静、私密的氛围,您的舒适和放松是我们的首要任务。
  • 经过验证的结果:凭借超过 380 条评论和平均 4.8 星的评级,我们的声誉证明了客户高度满意以及我们提供的出色成果。


  • 从治疗后的第二天开始可以进行轻微洗脸和淋浴。
  • 皮肤发红期间最好避免剧烈运动、饮酒和桑拿。
  • 我们建议您在治疗后的第二天化淡妆。
  • 您应该在接受治疗的部位涂上皮肤再生精华液和保湿产品。
  • 化妆前应先使用皮肤再生精华素。
  • 必须涂抹防晒指数(SPF)高于30的防晒霜,以防止色素沉着。
  • 对于治疗后敏感的皮肤,您应该随身携带防晒霜并持续涂抹。
  • 治疗后2周内,不得饮酒、服用阿司匹林、及影响凝血的药物。
  • 您应该让死皮细胞自然消失,而不是强行去除它或使用磨砂膏去除它。

Recommended for

  • People with pigmentary disorders such as freckles, blemish, and age spots
  • People with scars from pimples or surgeries
  • People with wrinkles
  • People who want smooth skin texture
  • People with skins with no elasticity


    • How many treatments should I receive for scars from pimples?
      Since different people have scars with different shapes, depths, and sizes, and differ in the level they want to improve, number of treatments can be different for each individual. In general, more treatments correlate with higher therapeutic effects and sessions are designed to be two to six times with a few weeks of intervals between sessions depending on the status of the skin and the outcome that the patient wants. If it is the first time you receive laser treatment, one good way would be to check the changes in skin after one treatment first and decide on additional treatments. Treatment schedule is recommended to have 4 to 6 weeks of interval in between to allow the skin tissue to form new collagen and elastin upon treatment.
    • Does Fraxel Dual hurt?
      When previous fraxel developed into 2nd generation Xena, the pain was reduced by more than half, and the 3rd generation Dual also has significantly reduced pains brought about by treatment. Reactions to pains are different in different people but in general, the pain that one would feel upon Fraxel Dual treatment is comparable to the pricking feeling that one would have upon putting on anesthetizing ointment, so it will not hurt too much.
    • Is Fraxel Dual treatment safe?
      Basically, every laser treatment entails some risks for side effects. However, we could guarantee that evolution of Fraxel throughout the history of past 10 years already proved its safety. Treatments have been ongoing without side effects through diverse experiences that have already been proven, hidden knowhows, capability to look into skins, and development of various measures for post-treatment period, so you don’t need to worry about the safety issue.




在 Genesys Laser Skin Clinic,我们致力于提供真实、自然的效果,让您在不影响安全性的情况下提升您的美丽。我们的“前后”图库重点展示了我们的客户所经历的显著变化,无论是通过皮肤恢复活力、身体塑形还是面部增强。每一次转变都证明了我们的专业知识、最先进的技术和对患者护理的承诺。


浏览图库,了解我们的专业治疗如何帮助您看起来和感觉最好。从细微的改善到戏剧性的改造,Genesys Laser Skin Clinic 可帮助您安全有效地实现护肤目标。
